On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:32:26 -0700, "Janet B." >
>"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>> "Janet B." > wrote
>>> My theory is that making leftovers into something else simply extends the
>>> pain and definitely worsens it.
>> Exactly, Janet! Well, I had 4 cups of (whatever) to use up,
>> let me turn it into 8 cups of (whatever) flavored food ... it's
>> getting worse! (laugh)
>> nancy
>M-m-m-m, yummy! Accept no invitations to someone's house for a week to 10
>days after Thanksgiving if they are leftover creative.
slate had an article on the subject wednesday:
Let Leftovers Be Leftovers
That turkey samosa won't bring your Thanksgiving dinner back to life.
money quote: '...the smell of toasted bread slathered with mayo for
the perfect turkey sandwich (sandwiches are, in my mind, the only
acceptable use of leftovers).'
it's worth reading if you're not all turkeyed out. there are pointers
to recipes.
your pal,