Any TG disasters?
Goomba38 wrote:
> One champagne flute broken (and *I* did it! knocked it over while
> clearing dishes) but otherwise no bodily injuries, burns, mis-prepared
> food, accidental loss of silverware in to the trash (my kids have been
> known to..... )
> A wonderful day all around!
Yesterday was a great day - with a lot of planning, it went off like
clockwork. I almost did with my "Mom burned the rolls again" - what
the heck, they were only burned on the bottom this time! Ten of us had
a great time and family members did the cleanup and dishwashing.
Today was another story. Yesterday, somebody unnamed drained all the
juices into my stockpot, along with the carcass and trimmings, and said
it was ready for soupmaking. What they didn't say was that they had
put some of the stuffing in the bottom of the pot. This morning,
naturally, everything was cold and congealed. I finished up with burned
stuffing, burned broth and a horrible-looking stockpot. Sigh. Next
year's another year.