In article >,
Goomba38 > wrote:
> One champagne flute broken (and *I* did it! knocked it over while
> clearing dishes) but otherwise no bodily injuries, burns, mis-prepared
> food, accidental loss of silverware in to the trash (my kids have been
> known to..... )
> A wonderful day all around!
Just one? Huh! Everything I touched on Wednesday while preparing
desserts for Thanksgiving dinner turned to ca-ca. Maybe bad karma
because I decided to use packaged pie crusts instead of my own from
scratch. The pecan pie looked good but I was a little edgy when I saw
the butter bubbling over and going between the crust and the pie plate.
The frickin' crust bonded to the glass plate. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
"But it tastes good anyway, Barb." Damned with faint praise.
The cooked lemon pie filling (Jell-O brand box mix) would have been
better if I'd put the pudding mix in it when it was cooking in the
microwave. :-/ I could see curdly egg bits and couldn't figure out
WTF was going on with THAT! Then I saw the unopened packet. . . .
JAYzuzz! It thickened right up, though, when I dumped the contents into
the boiling liquid. :-)
I decided to use the damned instant lemon pudding in the recipe (a quick
$70 trip to the grocery store to pick up another box of it) and after I
spread it on the second layer of the dessert, I saw that I hadn't used
all the milk that was supposed to have gone into it. . .
The second apple pie I baked was no prize. The apples cooked down and
the crust stayed up. And cooled there. Hell, at this point, I had
nothing to lose so I just smashed it down with the heel of my hand - not
really a crumb crust, but on its way.
I told the kids I'm moving into The Home next week, have requested a
corner room, and I hope they'll visit occasionally.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007