Any TG disasters?
On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 11:39:43 -0500, Goomba38 >
>One champagne flute broken (and *I* did it! knocked it over while
>clearing dishes) but otherwise no bodily injuries, burns, mis-prepared
>food, accidental loss of silverware in to the trash (my kids have been
>known to..... )
>A wonderful day all around!
Nope. I forgot to cook the leg ham slice I bought for DH, and the
turkey pan juices were too lemony to make gravy with (I put a cut-up
lemon into the pan for extra flavour) but the only real disaster was
that I knocked one of our wineglasses off the counter when I was
clearing the table and it smashed, and we only had two! Never mind -
it was only a buck-fifty or so. Now I've got an excuse to buy another
pair (but I think I'll get half a dozen instead, so we've got a set.)