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linda linda is offline
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Posts: 50
Default suet alternative in fruit mince

I'm looking at making some fruit mince (for pies) - this is a recipe I found
and looks good with a couple of variations-

1 lemon
150g raisins
150g sultanas
85g mixed peel
1 cooking apple, washed, cored and quartered
150g currants
150g brown sugar
150g shredded suet
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
4 tbsp. dark rum, brandy or whisky (or a mixture)

but I'm pregnant and cannot handle the idea of using suet - beef or
vegetarian (call it a freaky fettish - but it's just not going to happen) so
what can I replace it with? Anything like lard or great lumps of fat is
going to have bad results with my stomach, so.... what can I do? Or another
recipe completely?
Oh - variations I was going to do as well is substitue chopped dates for
currants, and just peel and candy the peel from an orange and the lemon I
use - basically because it's cheaper and then I'll already have all the
ingredients I need.
Thanks for any help