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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default suet alternative in fruit mince

Oh pshaw, on Sun 25 Nov 2007 11:18:06a, Jean B. meant to say...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Oh pshaw, on Sun 25 Nov 2007 08:07:43a, Dee.Dee meant to say...
>>> "Linda" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> I'm looking at making some fruit mince (for pies) - this is a recipe
>>>> I found and looks good with a couple of variations-
>>>> 1 lemon
>>>> 150g raisins
>>>> 150g sultanas
>>>> 85g mixed peel
>>>> 1 cooking apple, washed, cored and quartered
>>>> 150g currants
>>>> 150g brown sugar
>>>> 150g shredded suet
>>>> 1/2 tsp ground ginger
>>>> 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
>>>> 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
>>>> 4 tbsp. dark rum, brandy or whisky (or a mixture)
>>>> but I'm pregnant and cannot handle the idea of using suet - beef or
>>>> vegetarian (call it a freaky fettish - but it's just not going to
>>>> happen) so what can I replace it with? Anything like lard or great
>>>> lumps of fat is going to have bad results with my stomach, so....
>>>> what can I do? Or another recipe completely?
>>>> Oh - variations I was going to do as well is substitue chopped dates
>>>> for currants, and just peel and candy the peel from an orange and the
>>>> lemon I use - basically because it's cheaper and then I'll already
>>>> have all the ingredients I need.
>>>> Thanks for any help
>>> Your post caught my eye as I was noticing the quart jar of prepared
>>> (Nonesuch Bordens brand - Bordens also makes packaged condensed
>>> mincemeat I just saw online looking for the ingredients) of mince at
>>> the grocery yesterday. I looked at the ingredients and there was
>>> naught a suet in it. I bought this product some 7 years ago and used
>>> it, I forget whether it was in a pie or not; it was not bad. Around
>>> $5+.
>>> d_ sbs_gf_title_3 shows an English product -- doesn't look like there
>>> is suet in it.
>>> I also noticed at the grocery that there were organic dates and
>>> raisins in such a small amount to fit into a larger aluminum package
>>> that it was sinful to comprehend paying that much for a miniscule
>>> amount of product.
>>> However, I had just looked at the packaged raisins, prunes etc. that
>>> are available, and they all have this scummy shiny film on them, that
>>> I just cannot abide. I absolutely love dates (medjool) but will stay
>>> away from them this year.
>>> My point is not that I wish you to buy this product, but that for some
>>> suet is not necessary to enjoy fruit mince.
>>> Dee Dee

>> FWIW, almost every brand of jarred mincemeat used to contain bits of
>> suet. At some point (I don't know whatyear), suet was abandoned from
>> virtually all jarred mincemeat.
>> I've used the Borden's Nonesuch brand as well as Cross & Blackwell.
>> However, I find both of those brands to "loose" and "watery" for my
>> tastes, plus they are not well spiced.
>> Fruit mince is really easy to make. If butter is tolerated, it may be
>> substituted for the suet. It should be frozen, then flaked with a
>> grater and mixed into the fruit mixture.

> But if you use the condensed, you are in control of how watery
> it is!

I can't argue with that. I have a couple of recipes (for something other
than pie) that specifically call for condensed and in those cases I don't
mind it. However, trying to use condensed to substitute for the "real
thing" just doesn't succeedd, IMHO. Most ingredients are in bits far too
small to really resemble mincemeat.

On one occasion when I wanted to make a mince pie and had no choices but
Nonesuch from the store. I used 1 jar and 1 package of the condensed.
That worked out pretty well. (I did not rehydrate the condensed, only
added it to the jarred.)

Wayne Boatwright

Date: November(XI) 25th(XXV),2007(MMVII)

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