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Default scale recommendation

I have used my Aquatronic for several years and have been very happy
with it as well. It tends to be less expensive than some of the others
mentioned in this group, because it is not as striking looking, but it
stores better and works just fine.


Kate Dicey wrote:
> Susan McIntosh wrote:
>>Does anyone have a recommendation for a good scale? I want
>>a digital scale with a fairly small footprint that measures
>>partial ounces, can be zeroed during weighing, and can be
>>calibrated. Anything I should be requiring of my scale that
>>I haven't listed? I'll be using it mainly for baking.

> I love my (husband's!) Salter Aquatronic: measures up to 5 kilos/11 lbs
> in .5g/1/4 oz increments. Also measures fluid oz's and litres. I've
> had it for nearly 3 years, use it constantly, and the two CR2032 (3V
> Lithium watch) batteries have yet to run out! It's about 8.5" by 7",
> and quite flat. Use your own bowl of any size on it.