In article
Karen > wrote:
> On Nov 25, 5:54 pm, Melba's Jammin' >
> wrote:
> > I bought one of these suckers a couple months ago and note that within a
> > couple days, I'm getting something black on the inside of the water
> > container and on the inside of the butter container. It's grossing me
> > out and ticking me off.
> >
> > Whaddaya think is causing it? More, how the hell do I stop it!?
> On another ng, someone had one of these butter containers, and had
> nothing but problems, too. I think everyone just told her not to use
> it.
> Karen
I know that Gloria Puester here had a problem (not with spoilage) and
stopped using hers.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007