Thread: Made in China
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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default Made in China

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 10:42:03 -0500, flitterbit >

>sf wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 13:14:59 -0800 (PST), Naztazia
>> > wrote:
>>> I was ready to make ginger snap cookies this evening and a friend
>>> tells me that most ginger is grown in China. I said get out of town.
>>> So I call up McC spices and sure enough, their powdered ginger is
>>> indeed grown in China. Apparently even "fresh" ginger in my grocery
>>> store is too. To top it off, my friend said there was a big recall
>>> back in July because of pesticides used on ginger products from China
>>> (nausea, headaches, etc).
>>> Am I being paranoid, or should I just go ahead and make the cookies.
>>> I have nothing against China per se, just their food track record
>>> isn't so hot...

>> Ginger? Lemme tell you that most of the commercial garlic around here
>> is from China. Why China and not South America or Mexico, I dunno....
>> but it's from China - so ask before you buy.

>Why China? Probably because it's cheaper.

When I started seeing garlic from China, I started growing my own -
not because of any particular health concerns, but because there is
something ecologically sinful about importing garlic from China.

Think global, buy local.
