Thread: Iconic American
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Default Iconic American

Goomba38 > wrote in

> Giusi wrote:
>> While I thought of makng various immigrant foods for each course and
>> saying "That's really American," I decided not to. I always think of
>> pilaf as sort of middle-eastern, am I wrong?
>> I, unfortunately, do not have enough pie pans for 20 people, and of
>> course that is THE iconic American dessert. They don't sell our kind
>> of pie pans here and I made the mistake of using a tart pan once.
>> You can still smell burnt sugar sometimes.
>> They will get one shooter each, since Italians rarely drink cocktails
>> anyway--- it was just the most American drink I could think of and
>> someone sent me Jello!
>> Thanks for the input.

> Rice is a strong American grown crop, grown in the south. I don't
> think of pilaf as middle eastern when it just includes some celery,
> onions, chicken stock and perhaps mixed with the peas and sauteed
> mushrooms. The wild rice is an even older American grain than the
> white, I'm sure? I like them mixed together.
> Instead of apple pies, what about baked apples?
> I'm sure there are better "American" cocktails out there. Jello shots
> aren't even a very classic cocktail are they? I only know them as
> something college age kids toss back for fun. Something like a mint
> julep would be more so since it uses KY bourbon. And it is more grown
> up tasting

More in an American theme for me would be Bloody Marys, Corn on the cob,
grits, BBQ hamburgers/hotdogs or anything BBQed, Boston Baked Beans, a
wild rice casserole, a roast chicken with coenbread stuffing. Just a few
jumbled thoughts on the subject. To me, American and Canadian cooking is
a mish-mosh of imigrant foods.


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