koko wrote:
> Tonight I made chicken and dumplings with the chicken from making
> stock yesterday.
> mmmm good homemade stock.
> http://i18.tinypic.com/73fkler.jpg
> I cooked up some onion with celery and added to the chicken and stock.
> Brought the stock to a boil and added the dumplings.
> http://i3.tinypic.com/8ehp62u.jpg
> I prefer drop dumplings over rolled.
> I had to skim off a lot of foam. I'm supposing it's because of the
> baking soda in the dough.
> Plated.
> http://i13.tinypic.com/71ozi1s.jpg
> This is the first time I've tried this recipe.
> The dumplings are very light and fluffy.
> I Don't know if it's just me but I think the baking soda taste is a
> little strong. I'm taking some to work tomorrow to get a second
> opinion.
> Dumplings
> 2 cups of white flour
> 3 teaspoons of baking soda
> 1 teaspoon of salt
> 2/3 cup of milk
> 1/2 cup of Crisco oil
> 1 Pot of chicken stew
> Mix flour, baking soda, and salt together. Then add milk and oil.
> Spoon-drop into boiling stew, cook for 15 minutes, turning dumplings
> often. They should float off your fork Green Fried Tomatoes at the
> Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg.
> koko
Those dumplings look perfect, light and fluffy. I always use baking
powder, but I may use baking soda, since yours turned out so well. I
will wait until you discover the information you are looking for (too
foamy, tastes too much like soda).