Thread: Iconic American
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Iconic American

"Serene" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Giusi wrote:
>> I'm working on the menu for 20th December and would welcome some input.
>> This is how far I've come:
>> Raw veg with dips served with Jello shooters
>> Chicken pot pie
>> molded gelatin salad
>> green salad with "stuff" in it and with real dressing
>> biscuits
>> Any suggestions for non-salad sides? (Not green bean casserole.) Not
>> all American ingredients are available here in small city Italy.

> Sweet-potato casserole?
> Oven-baked French fries?
> Twice-baked potatoes?
> Mashed potatoes and gravy?
> Regular baked potatoes with sour cream and bacon bits?
> A relish tray?
> Macaroni and cheese?
> Macaroni or potato salad?
> Cole slaw?
>> Also an iconic dessert that can be made ahead.

> Apple pie?
> New York cheesecake?
> Strawberry shortcake?
> Homemade ice cream?
> Ice-cream sandwiches?
> Serene

Nice foods indeed! With some, however , there are seasonal problems. Lots
of things are only available one season of the year, like no broccoli all
summer, what a shock to an American. Sweet potatoes very hard to find and
usually those nasty white ones. They're called American potatoes, like any
potato isn't. Strawberries? Fuggedaboudit.

The biggest problem is space. Kitchen is adequate for 6-8 easily, but more
than that and there's just no space to plate shortcakes, room for ice cream
sandwiches-- very American to me but I think Italians think they invented
them. My Italian stove is 24" wide, fridge the same, so I'm probably going
to end up with one of the piece in the hand kind of things, like a cookie or
brownie. I figure the oven will hold two huge pot pies only and anything
else will have to be ready and kept warm at the fireplace.

Somehow it didn't occur to me that Mexican and Indian had been so easy until
I started thinking about American.