suet alternative in fruit mince
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> I can't argue with that. I have a couple of recipes (for something other
> than pie) that specifically call for condensed and in those cases I don't
> mind it. However, trying to use condensed to substitute for the "real
> thing" just doesn't succeedd, IMHO. Most ingredients are in bits far too
> small to really resemble mincemeat.
> On one occasion when I wanted to make a mince pie and had no choices but
> Nonesuch from the store. I used 1 jar and 1 package of the condensed.
> That worked out pretty well. (I did not rehydrate the condensed, only
> added it to the jarred.)
That's a great idea! That being said, I don't use it for
pies--just for other recipes, my favorite being a mincemeat
Jean B.