Thread: Iconic American
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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default Iconic American

Giusi wrote:
> Sweet potatoes very hard to find and
> usually those nasty white ones. They're
> called American potatoes, like any potato isn't.

Too bad. I was about to suggest mashed
sweet potatoes with mini-marshmallows
on top. It's the mini-marshmallows that
make it truly and completely American.

This one's too fancy. We don't furrow
the potatoes. And that's way too many

This one's drowning in marshmallows,
and they're the regular size, not the
mini size.

Again, too many mini-marshmallows, and worse,
what are those pecans doing in there?
Must be a regional thing.

Still too many mini-marshmallows, and the
sweet potatoes don't appear to have been

Don't know why I can't find a picture of
canonical American sweet potatoes.
The mini-marshmallows should be studded
on the top, not forming a continuous
layer. No more than about 20% coverage of
the surface of the mashed sweet potatoes.
It's okay if a few marshmallows touch
each other and melt together during baking,
but that should be avoided. They should
be spaced far enough apart that they don't
melt together.