suet alternative in fruit mince
Oh pshaw, on Tue 27 Nov 2007 04:14:33p, Jean B. meant to say...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> I can't argue with that. I have a couple of recipes (for something
>> other than pie) that specifically call for condensed and in those cases
>> I don't mind it. However, trying to use condensed to substitute for
>> the "real thing" just doesn't succeedd, IMHO. Most ingredients are in
>> bits far too small to really resemble mincemeat.
>> On one occasion when I wanted to make a mince pie and had no choices
>> but Nonesuch from the store. I used 1 jar and 1 package of the
>> condensed. That worked out pretty well. (I did not rehydrate the
>> condensed, only added it to the jarred.)
> That's a great idea! That being said, I don't use it for
> pies--just for other recipes, my favorite being a mincemeat
> gingerbread!
Now there's a recipe that needs to be posted!
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Monday, November(XI) 26th(XXVI),2007(MMVII)
Countdown 'til Christmas
4wks 4hrs 57mins 5secs
On the other hand, you have different