Tacos al Pastor
"Douglas S. Ladden" > wrote in message
. 224.154...
> I have been getting a serious craving for Tacos al Pastor, and it
> looks like my trips to Mexico keep getting postponed, so I call upon the
> wisdom of the NewsGroup. Can someone help me make some decent Tacos al
> Pastor at home, without the Trompo that they are normally made on?
> I know that we should start with very thinly sliced pork meat, but
> from there, I don't really have a clue. Thanks for any tips, ideas, etc.
> that you are willing to post!
This is made very much in like Gyros meat.
The pork is ground super fine, mixed with spices
and packed onto a shaft (Trompo) and roasted a layer at a time.
It is impossible to re-create without extensive preparation.
The important spices are : garlic
achiote paste
cider vinegar
citrus peel
dried oregano
guajillo chile powder
The important part of serving is the grilled pineapple,
marinated RED onions and chopped cilantro.
El comer feliz.