Dog Daze of Barbecue
Thanksgiving dinner was over, and there I was, looking out the window at
the backyard as I did the dishes. And then I saw my dog walk over to
the wood pile by the offset smoker. He sniffed the wood, lifted his leg
and let fly. He soaked the wood real good.
So, here's the question for people with more experience, and who are
farther into the zen of barbecue..... the dog had a look about him, like
he'd done this before. Still, the turkey tasted great, so I figure no
harm was done. Still, what should I do, now that I know?
Blow it off - if the turkey was OK, it's no big deal.
Praise him, after all, he might have made significant contributions to
the quality of the bird.
Give the wood to someone I don't especially like, buy fresh wood and
store it somewhere the dog can't get to it.
Whaddya think?