Thread: eating alone
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Gregory Morrow[_2_] Gregory Morrow[_2_] is offline
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Default cybercat eaten out alone

cyberPUSSY spat:

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote
> > Why the hell do you care what Kate does?

> An excellent question.

Sheesh, but you are one NOZY broad...a nattering fishwife who has to
have a running - at - the - mouth commentary on practically

"cybercat opened up her new xmas present: a Hitachi "Electric
Lochinvar" vibrator...

It had sound effects, it could honk, beep, cluck, moo, and croak...

It could be set for a continually variable range of orgasm
intensities, from "langorous" to "!!!STUN!!!"...

It could be powered via a wall outlet, via the vacuum cleaner, or even
from a DC power line that could connect with the nuclear power plant
adjacent to cybercat's single - wide trailor home...

It could even change colors, from deep scrotum purple to peachy
foreskin pink...

It had all sorts of attachments, not only for her vagina, but for her
nipples, small of the back, lips, toes, and other erogenous zones...

Yes, cybercat was THRILLED that she would no longer have to spend her
nights on that cold hard bed all alone...she could cuddle and purr
like the PUSSY that she was meant to be...


