Thread: Craisins
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Default Craisins

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "jacqui{JB}"
> > wrote:
>>"Z GIRL" > wrote in message
>>>Has anyone tried these? They are dried cranberries that
>>>are flavored in Cherry, Orange and Strawberry . I bought
>>>them in the cherry flavor as a substitute for dried cherries
>>>to put in salads, at a third of the cost of the dried cherries.

>>ObBiasConfession (aka disclaimer): flavoring dried fruit to make it
>>taste like another fruit seems intensely wrong *to me*.

> Oh, I understand, Jacqui, but I don't have any dried orange bits for my
> conserves. . . . The orange-flavored craisins are still tart and
> tangy and cranberry-y, but have an orange note to them.
>>>But I am curious, what are Craisins flavored with?

> Sugar.

FYI: Craisins are cheaply available at Costco.


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--James Michener