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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default suet alternative in fruit mince

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Wed 28 Nov 2007 05:51:37p, Jean B. meant to say...
>> Christine Dabney wrote:
>>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007 00:26:20 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Oh pshaw, on Wed 28 Nov 2007 07:12:37a, Jean B. meant to say...
>>>>> Jean's Mincemeat Gingerbread (9)
>>>>> Very good and stays moist for a long time.
>>>> Jean, thank you so much for posting this! It's definitely a keeper,
>>>> and I'll be making it around the Christmas holidays for sure. I
>>>> couldn't help but like it, since I'm a gingerbread addict and I love
>>>> mincemeat!
>>> I agree. This sounds good.
>>> I am on a new kick lately...which probably won't benefit my body, but
>>> maybe if I can restrain myself..
>>> I am a big tea drinker, and I find myself wanting something to eat
>>> along side my cuppa... I happened to be reading a book by Diana
>>> Kennedy, and she talks about afternoon tea and how she always has a
>>> something she has baked, available to eat with her tea. Scones, a
>>> quick bread such as a date nut bread, things like that. Well..I am
>>> now looking at such things to keep on hand...for a slice here and
>>> there to have with my tea.
>>> This sounds like it might be perfect for this...
>>> The only problem I am having is adapting these things for high
>>> altitude baking.
>>> Christine, who is looking for more such recipes.

>> OOooh. Don't even start me thinking in the tea direction! I
>> don't need any more excuses to eat!
>> BTW, have you ever tried layering gingerbread and pumpkin pie
>> mousse (or something like that)? It's sublime....

> No, but I have layered mincemeat (bottom) and pumpkin pie filling (top) in
> a pie. It's much better than one might think.

I believe that. I have put a bit of mincemeat on top of
pumpkin ice cream. That started when I had some LO mincemeat
from something, and the pumpkin ice cream was a bit bland.

Jean B.