Turkey Stock update
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, "cybercat" >
> wrote:
>> I used all meat (because I don't have the sense to like that gelled stuff
>> the rest of you find so delicious!) from the wings and legs and thighs, it
>> had been roasted.
>> Tasted it after 6-7 hours of gentlesimmering, and it really did lack
>> something. (Not quite dishwater, Melba, but close!) So then I added a cut-up
>> onion, some bay leaves, and a lot of celery and simmered it for two more
>> hours. With some salt and pepper, it was wonderful when strained through a
>> fine strainer.
>> I put in fresh turkey meat roasted that day, carrots, celery, and red,
>> white, and wild rice. We enjoyed it.
>> (I still like chicken better, though!)
> I get dishwater even with onion, celery, bay leaf, and carrot.
> I bought a jar of Penzeys Turkey Base last week. :-)
Are you using bones with a little meat on them or just meat with perhaps
a little bone in it? Are you using too much water in proportion to
bones/meat? Are you letting it simmer long enough?
"Enquiring" Minds Want to Know!