Mario Batali: Update
Nancy2 wrote:
> If this has been mentioned, excuse my duplication: Mario was a guest
> on Martha's show this week, and explained (in answer to her question)
> that he was still going to be on ICA (he has a 17-competition winning
> streak going), but that the Food Network had decided that his Molto
> Mario didn't fit in with their stated desire to appeal to more of a
> mass market. He said he wasn't mad at them or anything.
Its pretty obvious that the Food Network wants nothing to do with the
idea of learning about or preparing real food.
> He is doing a series where he and Gwyneth (?? - daughter or wife?) are
> traveling and eating their way through Spain, and it will air on PBS
> next fall. He said he was also "talking to" the Travel Channel.
> N.