Mario Batali: Update
On Nov 29, 8:37 am, "Dee.Dee" > wrote:
> "Nancy2" > wrote in message
> ...
> > If this has been mentioned, excuse my duplication: Mario was a guest
> > on Martha's show this week, and explained (in answer to her question)
> > that he was still going to be on ICA (he has a 17-competition winning
> > streak going), but that the Food Network had decided that his Molto
> > Mario didn't fit in with their stated desire to appeal to more of a
> > mass market. He said he wasn't mad at them or anything.
> > He is doing a series where he and Gwyneth (?? - daughter or wife?) are
> > traveling and eating their way through Spain, and it will air on PBS
> > next fall. He said he was also "talking to" the Travel Channel.
> > N.
> I feel lucky to see new Mario programs, but unlucky in that I will not be
> able to see him in food lessons and preparation.
> Hopefully it will not be a la Floyd preparation out in plein air. Although
> I'd settle for that.
> Thanks for the update.
> PS I'm sorry that I missed the program, but after seeing Martha do a cooking
> segment with Chevy Chase, she has been gone forever from my thoughts.
> Pufffoooot! Her zip has gone and went .... Must've been that knitting in
> prison that slowed her down -- or was it that someone knitted a shaw for
> her, or gave her a pattern, or promoted it -- oh,well, not important ...
> Dee Dee
I like Martha's show. She is a lot more laid-back than she used to
be, and seems to be enjoying herself more. When things get out of
control (the doggy fashion show yesterday), she even is good-natured
about it.