Oh, Bu-u-ub-b-ba. . .
Oh pshaw, on Thu 29 Nov 2007 01:04:03p, Melba's Jammin' meant to say...
> I went to Penzeys as reported in an earlier post today and brought two
> packages of sauerkraut-filled pirohy to the manager. When she regained
> her composure (something about being verklempt) she said, "Are they
> triangular?" I said that OF COURSE they are, I make them the RIGHT way
> ‹ and she came around the counter and hugged me. "No one makes them
> triangular like Mom did; I always see those dumb half-round ones." So
> there, Bucko!!
The only ones I've ever seen made in someone's home were triangular. All
the commercial ones I've seen are half-circles.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: Thursday, Nov 29,2007
Countdown 'til Christmas
3wks 2dys 10hrs
'A gift of humanity is what I want for
Christmas!!' - Opus