Dinner tonight
Oh pshaw, on Thu 29 Nov 2007 06:22:02p, Arri London meant to say...
> LOL it's going to be a large bowl of oatmeal! Doc requested panel of
> blood tests for me and one of them is the dreaded lipid panel. Haven't
> had any saturated fats all week and have had oatmeal more than once.
> Good thing I like oatmeal. Fasting is always a pain though.
> Thinking of some Taylor Pork Roll for my delayed breakfast...how's that
> for heart attack on a roll ROTFL!
I'd much rather eat oatmeal than Taylor pork roll.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: 11(XI)/29(XXIX)/2007(MMVII)
Countdown 'til Christmas
3wks 2dys 4hrs 45mins
Life is a tragedy in close up, but a
comedy in long-shot - C. Chaplin