"Victor Sack" > ha scritto nel messaggio
.. .
> Giusi > wrote:
>> Can you imagine the dogana hangup if I import a case of US wine to
>> Italia?
>> I sent an antique ring to my kid via UPS 2 years ago. It was tiny. It
>> cost
>> ?42 to send it.
> You do not have to import it yourself, just buy it from an online
> purveyor in Italy, or an EU country. Surely there are some such
> sources? It certainly is not a problem in Germany. I have found the
> following in about two minutes, just as an example:
> <http://www.vinibianchirossi.com/vendita-vini/vini-california/california-wine.asp>
> <http://www.winet.it/italiano/prodotti_articoli.asp?Categoria=*****&ZonaProduzio ne=RA&Produttore=*****&Annata=*****&PrezzoDa=&Prez zoA=&STATO=T&Ricarica=&Ricerca=Avanzata>
> <http://www.dileva.it/shop/scat.asp?ctg=Vini+internazionali&sctg=California&l g=it>
> <http://www.divinegolositatoscane.it/cgi-bin/articoli.cgi?per_pagina=30&r=11&cod_scat=&cod_cat= &cat=23|0|99&ricerca=&cod_regio=&slowfood=&ordina= nome_asc&limit=0&limite_inf=0&pag=1>
> The shipping charges here are 7 euros for orders under 100 euros.
> Victor
I'm going to look there. If it costs ?7 for shipping, it will be
stupendous, because nothing I've ever purchased has shipped that cheaply.
AAMOF, it has been cheaper to drive using $8 per gallon gas to pick things
up, plus then I knew I'd get them.
Lately the post and dogana are trying to collect duty on EU purchases and on
gifts from anywhere. Expats are considering a class action, now that
they're legal. I received a box with 2 used (vintage) T shirts and some
Ziplock bags and had to pay ?18 (US$27) to the postman to get it.