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Stan Horwitz[_2_] Stan Horwitz[_2_] is offline
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Default Any Use for Canned Cream of Mushroom Soup?

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Silvar Beitel > wrote:

> Being the designated family cleaner-outer of deceased relatives'
> homes, I have accummulated
> 8 or 10 cans of Cream of Mushroom Soup in my own pantry.
> Now, my own opinion of the stuff is probably similar to yours: it's
> fairly disgusting.
> However, before I take the time and trouble to find a place to donate
> it, I'm wondering if there
> aren't some reasonable uses for it.
> I did a batch of the standard Green Bean Casserole (using fresh grean
> beans) for the
> Thanksgiving meal (and will sheepishly admit that I actually liked it,
> despite having
> equally disgusting French's Fried Onions in it).
> Now what?
> Make it disappear into a nicer mushroom soup recipe?
> Casseroles? (Name it, I'm there.)
> Spackling prison cell walls?
> --
> Silvar Beitel

I am sure if you go to Campbell's web site, you can find recipes there
that use that soup. A dish my mom used to make is to pour a can of it
over cut up chicken pieces and roast them in the oven. Its not bad at
all that way.