Norman Paperman wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> Hi, there! My friend developed a new way for coffee drinking, we
>> call it BAG COFFEE now. We think it'll help people to enjoy coffee
>> more convenient. Like bag tea, we put ground coffee
>> in a filter paper bag, and the bag into a plastic pouch. Additional
>> sugar bag with it.
>> My question is: Do you think it good for coffee lovers ?
>> The bag detail:
> Does it taste like SPAM?
> It should, because that's all it is.
Who the hell are you? Never heard of you and I've been posting here for 10
years. You criticize me for including the link in my reply, yet you did the
exact same thing in your post (which I haven't edited). So... are you in
cahoots with this SPAMMER? Methinks so. Welcome to my killfile along with
the orignal OP.