This Morning's Breakfast
> kilikini wrote:
>> It's 75F and cloudy here at 9:00 am in Cesspool, Florida. The
>> windows are open, a cool breeze is blowing, my allergies are going
>> off, and I'm wearing sweats. (But, I'm cold unless it's over 80
>> degrees.) For breakfast, I'm contemplating leftover steamed
>> cauliflower and broccoli from last night's dinner.
>> kili
My kind of breakfast, kili.
37º a beautiful sunny day.
DH had to take the car to be examined, so is doing all the shopping and
chores today. How did I get sooo lucky.
Sipping a cappucino he made for me as he was rushing out the door.
I'll probably have some toasted left-over bread (sour cherries and walnuts)
and a glass of mixed pomegranate and cranberry juice.
Then get on with my chores.
Dee Dee