On Nov 29, 6:59 pm, "Econotron" > wrote:
> "greg3347" > wrote in message
> ...> On Nov 29, 12:42 pm, WakeUp Call > wrote:
> >> America's Day Of
> >> Reckoning Is At Hand
> >> By Paul Craig Roberts
> >> 11-27-7
> >>http://rense.com/general79/reck.htm
> [snip]
> This one way to look at it ...
> It may well be that America "as we know it" is finished, but so is Europe,
> China, Russia, and many other countries. The World has changed greately in
> the last quarter of a century. Is it possible for America to stay the same?
> I do not think so, and see the part of the current problems in people's
> inability to fully recognize that fact.
> e.
a russian economist, Kondratiev sometimes spelled with an f,
kondratief.. has written extensively on economic cycles...and more
importanly on national life cycles. nations live... then die. 260
years is a real close life span.. 5 generations. his anlaysis goes to
human nature drivers... we get lazy and corrupt at 5
generations...then collapse.
China is coming onto its next peak...that will last in the peak phase
for about 40 years...then fade. The US is headed into its first
collapse phase, after ending its peak about 10 years ago (we have been
living on borrowed money).... the collapse phase lasts a generation
at least, usually 2.. ramp up 1, and then another peak.
russia is still going through its collapse phase, with local
exceptions...it will rise again next generation most likely.
Phil Scott