The Chuckle of the Day (CotD)
Oh pshaw, on Fri 30 Nov 2007 03:23:26p, Andy meant to say...
> The Chuckle of the Day (CotD)
> I created it on May 13, 2005, to add a little visual food humor to r.f.c
> for the enjoyment of the members. I got a sweet and sour response that
> never ended.
> My idea was to make it seem like an imaginary business with staff that
> always got one Chuckle of the Day (CotD) out on time at 5:00am every day
> to r.f.c.
> I thought it was very original and fitting.
> The responses were more enjoyment than "the job." Thanks to those who
> enjoyed it. It was a pleasure of my life.
> Like a play on Broadway, it had a good run.
> "If we've made you chuckle, we've done our job."
> Thank to the staff who helped out and made it almost feel like a real
> business.
> Andy
> CotD #2 Out
Dear Andy,
I am really really sorry to see the demise of CotD, and sorry to know that
you feel it's run its course.
I most sincerely hope that it is not also the end of your posting here.
I have greatl enjoyed the CotDs and your contributions to rfc.
Wayne Boatwright
Date: November(XI) 30th(XXX),2007(MMVII)
Today is: Feast of St. Andrew
Countdown 'til Christmas
3wks 1dys 4hrs 45mins
Is the surface of a planet the right
place for a developing technological