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Cshenk Cshenk is offline
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Default Japanese style mayonnaise?

"alforgnel" < wrote

> There's a brand called Kewpie, available on that a few
> reviewers say is the best, but they don't describe why, other than

It's ok if you like the Japanese style. Personally I didnt like it much.

> saying that it's creamier and less sweet. None of the Asian markets
> around here sell it.

Yes. It's also more 'tangy' as in more of a vinegar taste to it. The lack
of sweetness appeals to me but the tang was a bit too much for what I

> Has anyone ever tried it? It's kind of expensive, but I'd try it if I
> think I might like it.

It's worth a try. Many of my fellows in Sasebo Japan swore by the Japanese
types. Oh, caution note, they also generally have less preservatives so you
have to be more careful with refridgeration of it and any foods made with
it. Not a massive difference, but you might be unhappy with the effect if
you make BLT with it then have it in a lunch box unrefridgerated for several