(2007-11-30) New survey on the RFC site: Food photos
ChattyCathy wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> I tried to get into the whole "photographing food" thing. I just
>> found it
>> tedious and the food gets cold! I'd rather eat the food than arrange
>> it and
>> take photos of it.
> Fair enough...
I don't find that it takes long to take a few photos of my plate as
I sit down to eat. My spotlight and camera are handy, and my
partners think it's cute.
>> And I certainly don't take a camera with me to restaurants (some
>> people seem
>> to do that) and photograph the food they serve. That's just over the top
>> IMHO. After all, you didn't cook it!
> Heh. That's where cell phone cameras come in handy <g>. I have been
> known to take a pic or two of something that was particularly good at a
> restaurant...
I would never take a photo at a restaurant. Not sure why it feels so
much ruder than at my own home. Might have to think on that one.