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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default The Chuckle of the Day (CotD)

Ted Campanelli wrote:
> Ted shuffled out of his cave and grunted these great (and sometimes not
> so great) words of knowledge:
> Thank you for the humor you have brought to an otherwise non humorous
> news group. I for one, will sorely miss the CotD and the humor it brought.

What a great idea it would be to have an email list of anyone who wants
his daily junk postings to come directly to them. Then those who want it
get it, and those who think a cooking group isn't the place for all that
flotsam and jetsam would both be happy!
Maybe a cat lovers mailing would be appropriate too?

ObFood- It is SilkNog time!! I've never enjoyed soy milk before but I
love this stuff and in particular with a little Bailey's Irish Cream in
it. That was my breakfast this morning. I'm going to bring a carton in
to work to share with folks tonight, but sadly can't bring the Bailey's
Irish Cream in with it..