In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > zxcvbob > wrote:
> >
> >> I have a half a bushel of delicious but slightly mealy Honeygold apples
> >> so I'm going to put up apple butter and applesauce tomorrow. I'd also
> >> bake a fresh apple Bundt cake, but I'm trying to *lose* some weight this
> >> holiday season rather than gain weight. Anyway...
> >>
> >> I've got your apple butter recipe, the one where you talk about cooking
> >> the apples in a microwave oven. Have you ever tried cooking the chopped
> >> apples in a slow oven before you mill them? That would dry them out a
> >> little, instead of having some of the juice cook out to be drained away.
> >>
> >> Tomorrow should be good weather for having the oven on all day.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Bob
> >
> > I haven't done that, Bob. I think if you do the chunks in the oven you
> > need to cover them in order to prevent a "crust" or "skin" forming from
> > the drying. Like roasting red potatoes quarters. And as soon as you
> > cover them you've lost what you've been seeking -- the cover will
> > contain the moisture. This is hypothetical, though, but it makes sense
> > to me. I'd do them in the microwave, drain, and use the juice for
> > something else -- meat glaze base, jelly, drink it, combine it with
> > another juice for a beverage. JMO.
> Thanks. I did the microwave thing cuz it just seemed easier. (it took
> a lot more than 6 pounds of apples to get 12 cups of sauce.) I drank
> the juice, of course. The spiced apple butter is in the oven right now,
> making the house smell good. I used more ginger and less cinnamon, so
> it won't be quite as dark as yours. These apples were not very tart; I
> never would have thought to add vinegar, but they needed it.
> Bob
Dang, I was hoping you'd do them so we could find out if they'd form
that tough outer skin thang.
I assume you added some vinegar? It livens up the flavor, I thinkj.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007