high-energy, high-nutrition brown rice pasta daily menu
Fast, easy-preparation, high-nutrition, high-energy food menu:
This menu of foods is scientifically designed to provide a person with
energy throughout the day. It is also designed to be highly
nutritious and fast and easy to prepare, requiring only ten minutes of
one's time, good for fast-paced lifestyles. The menu also features
few ingredients that may trigger allergic reactions or inflammation.
For example, it does not have wheat gluten. With less inflammation,
the person's mind and body will function more efficiently throughout
the day. The menu contains complex carbohydrates (brown rice
carbohydrates) that prevent a spike in insulin levels that can cloud
thought and reduce energy. No simple sugars, harmful fats or meats
are in this menu. Organic, natural green tea (leaves and twigs, not
processed) can be a standard beverage throughout the day. This diet
is influenced by macrobiotic dieting principles. The high anti-
oxidant power of the diet may enable it to reduce or reverse aging.
Brown rice pasta with stewed tomatoes
This dish is quick to prepare and combines the energy-giving power of
brown rice with the high-lycopene content, anti-oxidant power of
cooked tomatoes. Provides energy for action, thought and problem-
3 cups mineral water
1 cup brown organic rice pasta
1 can (small or large) organic stewed canned tomatoes (any canned
tomato product will be cooked in the canning process, which makes
lycopene nutrient available)
Boil mineral water. Put in brown rice pasta. Boil for 1 minute, then
reduce heat to medium and boil another 15 minutes. Empty out can of
tomatoes in a bowl. Pour pasta over the tomatoes, and mix to
distribute the temperature evenly. No time is needed to wait for the
pasta to cool down this way. Eat and go to work.
The brown rice pasta consists of complex carbohydrates that can allow
one to go the entire day without feeling very hungry. But for lunch,
nibble on pure cocoa nibs throughout the day. Cocoa nibs are
available at any health food store and provide anti-oxidants, small
quantities of healthy fats and some caffeine, providing physical and
mental energy. You can also substitute organic dark chocolate for
cocoa, or organic milk chocolate, but be careful that the chocolate
does not have artificial additives like vanillin, artificial
colorings, or preservatives.
High-nutrition Sardine Salad
This salad provides large amounts of nutrients that will be available
during sleep, when the body is repairing itself and is most in need of
vitamins and protein. Substitute 1 cooked egg for sardine if allergic
to sardine.
2 cups cole slaw (just the vegetables, not the mayonnaise)
1 tin of sardines in olive oil (with skin and bones intact)
Juice from 1 fresh lemon
1/2 of a complete mult-vitamin pill (preferably all natural)
Mix the cole slaw vegetables, sardines and lemon juice in a bowl. Use
a cheese grater to grind up the 1/2 of a multi-vitamin pill into the
bowl. Hand mix everything into a pulpy mixture. Eat no less than 2
hours before bedtime.