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jt august[_2_] jt august[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 262
Default Stainless vs. Non-Stick Pots

In article
mysti > wrote:

> Buy a good brand and it will last you 40 to 75
> > years. Buy a coated pot and toss in in a couple of years.

> True.

I've got Calphlon, Analon and Circulon non-sticks. The higher quality
ones do last. I am particularly pleased with the endurance of my
Circulon (now marketed as Circulon Classic) 12 inch saute. My wife has
been particular rough on it (over heated empty, used metal utensils,
etc.) and it is still holding its own after almost six years. A five
year old Calphalon 12 inch saute I got has also been similarly abused by
her and is still surviving in excellent shape.

Now a T-Fal or Revere, I would equate those to single-use 35-mm cameras,
especially in y wife's hands.
