Consumer complaint - yellow dish detergent
"hahabogus" > wrote
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in
> :
>> At first I thought both stories were about the same guy and I
>> thought you should talk him into seeing a doctor about getting
>> glasses. Heh.
> My Mother at one time in her life tried to brush her teeth with instead
> of toothpaste a tube of nair. Well one brush stroke anyway.
> Who hasn't used one substance instead of the correct substance on
> something....I once added sugar to my soup and salted my coffee at the
> dinner table. Mind farts are a terrible thing.
I never did understand how that could happen. There is no
mistaking the containers I use for keeping sugar and salt. Do people
keep salt in sugar bowls? There was an incident once where paprika
and chili powder were confused, but they not only look alike, I have
them in the same style Penzey's bags.