Kosher Salt vs. Table Salt
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Kosher Salt vs. Table Salt
In article >,
(Barry Grau) writes:
>Gee, if Diamond is 2:1 but Morton's is 1.2:1 with regard to table
>salt, then converting from Mortons kosher salt to a table salt has to
>be easier than switching between diamodn kosher salt and Morton kosher
>salt. And, when a recipe calls for kosher salt, how is one to know
>which brand?
Doesn't much matter... experienced cooks generally don't use kosher salt in
recipes where salt quantity is critical, ie. baking, confections, etc....
kosher salt should be used as per taste only, or by weight. For all quantity
recipes salt should always be weighed.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
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