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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Oh, Bu-u-ub-b-ba. . .

Oh pshaw, on Mon 03 Dec 2007 08:24:49a, Virginia Tadrzynski meant to

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 3.184...
>> Oh pshaw, on Sun 02 Dec 2007 08:31:07p, Melba's Jammin' meant to say...
>>> In article >,
>>> (Victor Sack) wrote:
>>>> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>>>> > Unmitigated Feh! yourself, Bubba. Brother Dan and I tried it a
>>>> > year ago and I was sorely disappointed. We froze them individually
>>>> > and then bagged them. The dough seemed tough when cooked. But,
>>>> > Sweetpea, if it works for you and you likes it, then that's
>>>> > terrific. Mmmwwaaaahh! (I'm in the holiday spirit.)
>>>> I do not care what you and your brother Dan tried once in your
>>>> lifetime. I made it hundreds of time. In every country making
>>>> dumplings of this kind they are frozen raw by the millions every
>>>> single day. Few, if any, people freeze them cooked. The Chinese,
>>>> who ultimately invented dumplings of this kind, also always freeze
>>>> them raw, if they freeze them at all. In the "old countries", you
>>>> will find not a single cookbook with a recipe calling for freezing
>>>> cooked dumplings. Feh!
>>>> Oh, and lose that potato in the dough! Feh, again! And roll out the
>>>> dough to about a third of the thickness your recipe is calling for.
>>>> No wonder the dough gets tough! Feh, yet again!
>>>> Bubba
>>> Like I said, if it works for you, it's terrific.
>>> And feh, yet again right backatcha! Ppffthhggbtt! The potato is in
>>> the dough on the advise of someone who knows what she's doing. Its
>>> addition improved my pirohy. And my dough is just fine as it is -- I
>>> don't measure its thickness and I don't even know what the recipe
>>> says. And I don't care what the Chinese do with theirs.
>>> Oh, and did I say, "Bite me!"? "-)

>> Such hostility, Barb! :-)
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright
>> Date: Sun, 12/2/2007
>> *******************************************
>> Today is: First Sunday of Advent
>> Countdown 'til Christmas
>> 3wks 3hrs
>> *******************************************
>> The only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation.

> Once they've 'feh'ed out at each other and bitten off more than either
> can chew ( the bite me comment)over pierogies, we can then ask them
> which kielbasa they prefer, Polish, Ukrainian, the Russian and German
> sausages with similar spices........this could go on for days.

This coujld get really ugly, Ginny! <veg>

> Wayne, call Michael, he's been sick and is bored to tears, this could
> prove entertaining.
> -ginny

I will get in touch with Michael.

Have a great day!!!

Wayne Boatwright

Date: 12(XII)/3(III)/07(MMVII)

Countdown 'til Christmas
3wks 15hrs 45mins
I don't believe in reason, objective
reality or collective farming.