Is Toilet Water Cleaner Than The Ice In Your Drink...???
On Sun, 2 Dec 2007 15:13:11 -0800 (PST), Gregory Morrow
> wrote:
>Dan Abel wrote:
>> In article >,
>> "Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
>> > Now THIS will make ya hurl, kids...:
>> > . . Ice from 11 restaurants or bars had high levels of
>> > "total coliform bacteria" -- more than 200 bacteria colonies per milliliter
>> > "It means that obviously someone's not washing their hands properly, and
>> > there's fecal mater," Guichard said. "If there's enough, it can make someone
>> > sick."
>> My sister has 6 dogs. They all lick their butts and genitals. They
>> don't get sick. All cats do this also.
>That's why I don't have any pets, Dan...
And all this time I thought Sheldon was your pet.