> wrote in message ...
> Daniel W. Rouse Jr. > wrote:
>> > wrote in message ...
>> > Sheldon > wrote:
>> > > And anyway water from a tap is not all that pure... if from a
>> > > municipal source that treats with chlorine (most municipalities do
>> > > not) it was pretty much bacteria free (live bacteria free that is)
>> > > when it left the plant but before it gets halfway to your tap it's
>> > > loaded with bacteria from the old underground piping, not to mention
>> > > the encrusted interior of most home plumbing. There are very few
>> > > water treatment facilities at homes or business.
>> >
>> > Utter nonsense. The EPA enforces water quality standards across
>> > the country and the large majority of municipal water systems use
>> > chlorine, chlorinates, or chloramines to disinfect their water
>> > and because they can control residual levels in the water supply
>> > to keep the water disinfected.
>> >
>> > http://www.epa.gov/safewater/wot/pdf...ontap_full.pdf
>> >
>> It isn't actually utter nonsense. As mentioned above, there is also the
>> plumbing before it gets dispensed out of the faucet. Here are some simple
>> tests:
> The utter nonsense part was Sheldon saying that most municipalities
> don't treat their water. They pretty much all do treat their water, and
> the most common treatment is chlorine because it is cheap, and also
> because they can ensure some residual chlorine level to help slow
> bateria growth in the piping and water mains. Also, testing is done
> not only at the water treatment plant, but also at various locations
> throughout the system. New York City has test points located on
> the streets throughout the city. Other municipalites test water
> closer to the consumer also. Some test at fire hydrants.
>> How clean is the faucet itself? Remove the aerator and stick a finger or
>> a
>> cotton swab into the opening. Is there any residue inside that faucet
>> outlet?
> Of course, the municipality doesn't routinely test your house's plumbing,
> though most will check your water at your faucet if you ask them.
> Bill Ranck
> Blacksburg, Va.
I'd rather have it done on my own; 'but that's just meeee.'
However, other places like the water softeners home sales will do some kind
of testing for free.
Some pool places will send it off for free also.
Dee Dee