Dinner tonight
Arri London > wrote in :
> PeterLucas wrote:
>> Arri London > wrote in :
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> How about Anzac biscuits? They seem to have a texture different than
>> >> most oatmeal cookies/biscuits commonly available.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Wayne Boatwright
>> >>
>> >
>> > Still too crumbly; other than porridge, anything made with oat flakes
>> > or pinhead oats just doesn't work for me. The oat flour I use is made
>> > from finely-ground oat flakes.
>> >
>> You're just using the wrong damn recipe.
>> Anzac bikkies come in a variety of 'modes'. Some are crunchy, but the
>> *real* ones are soft and chewy.
> So is the recipe/link you posted the 'right' recipe? Have only been
> offered them made by others and have never made them myself. Can't stand
> any crumbly biscuit regardless of the grain used to make them.
Just add a touch more Golden Syrup to make them chewy.