<sf> ha scritto nel messaggio
> On Mon, 03 Dec 2007 17:38:08 GMT, blake
> Sadly, I thought blogging was all about personal expression - not
> personal gain. <sigh> Bubble bursting.... not that I actually read
> any blogger more that one posted link to something that interests me.
> --
> See return address to reply by email
> remove the smiley face first
I think they did start as diaries, but it's been years since they became
showcases for professional pursuits, any professional pursuit, not just
freelance writing. The good ones are like magazines that are re-published
everyday and use no paper. You are out of date, since several bloggers have
moved on to books, food columnists, major outlets of specialized product,
and political activism. It turned out to be a way to get the world see what
you could do, and the world said, "OK, do it for money." Ergo, Julia/Julie
becomes a movie.
More recently, because online advertising is the fastest growing segment of
the business, blogs dedicated just to how to make money online have become
the big money makers. Go figure.
Advertising is almost negligible on my sites, it was only added in hopes of
recouping some of the cost of putting the sites up. Web presence is very
pricey here.