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Jack Schidt®
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Default REC SD Cook-In: Smoked Bluefish

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Ok, here goes:

2 bluefish filets (from a good sized one, not one of the snapper blues)

1 gallon water (my well water, iron and all)
1 heaping cup kosher salt
1 heaping cup brown sugar
dash cider vinegar
black pepper

Brine the fish overnight and then take out of the brine and transfer to a
vat of apple cider. Let it soak for half a day and then remove and place in
the refrigerator to dry for a couple of hours or until you're ready to cook
it, when you'll remove it from the Kelvinator and let it sit on the counter
for an hour so it's not cold going on the fire.

Set up the smoker so it's indirect heat. I use a foil covered pizza stone
in my Kamado. Build a fire in the smoker, base fuel is lump charcoal and
add chunks of fruit wood, apple or pear are best. Small fire, let it burn
clean of the billowing smoke and get it down to about 200, maybe 225.
Blues are oily so they're forgiving about spikes in temperature, but you do
want to keep it down in that range.
Cook for 2 hours or so and remove and let rest. Grab some to eat, then
refrigerate the rest. I froze the hunk I brought out as it freezes well.
Serve with horseradish.

Jack Fishy