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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default (2007-12-06) New survey on the RFC site: Small kitchen appliances

Oh pshaw, on Thu 06 Dec 2007 12:03:31p, ChattyCathy meant to say...

> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Oh pshaw, on Thu 06 Dec 2007 11:41:52a, ChattyCathy meant to say...

>>> Which brings me to another "pet peeve" of mine.... Why don't building
>>> contractors ever install enough plug-points in a kitchen? This kitchen
>>> is the closest I have come to 'almost' enough of them.

>> Some do, Cathy. Our current kitchen has 6 double wall outlets at
>> regular intervals around the counter. There are an addition 2 double
>> outlets installed on the island, one at each end. These were not
>> special order, but rather a standard with this house.

> Hmm. I just checked the kitchen. I have 3 double outlets + the adapter
> block which extends it by another 4 plug-points.... But this house is 19
> years old, so I guess in "those days" it was considered more than
> enough.

Age is probably the factor. There weren't as many dedicated foodies back
then, nor as many options in portable appliances.

>> What we don't have are wall outlets in any of our rooms that are
>> controlled by a wall switch. What we do have is 1 wall switch per room
>> which controls a ceiling outlet. Since we opted to install ceiling
>> fans in each room (except the dining room and kitchen), there is no way
>> to turn on a lamp in those rooms other than going to the lamp itself
>> and using its switch. There are some wireless control options I've
>> been looking at to remedy this "dark" situation.

> Funny enough, rest of the house is fine for things like light switches
> etc.. In fact there is an abundance of "two-way" switches for lights and
> the ceiling fans.... And all the bedrooms have two double outlets each,
> so does the dining room.

We have lots of wall outlets in all the rooms, just none controlled by a
switch. I should have specified this with the builder. They probably
assumed that I would be installing ceiling lights. :-(

Wayne Boatwright

Date: Thu, 12(XII)/6(VI)/2007(MMVII)

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2wks 2dys 12hrs
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since so many people claim to not have any.