Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> > When my wife and I were first married I used to take her to the Oban Inn
> > for dinner at least once a month. It was quite reasonable back in the
> > 70s, and I could afford it on my student budget, but prices seemed to be
> > climbing up about 25 cents every month or two. That added up after a
> > while. Luckily, we have an excellent restaurant in our town that has
> > great food, a lovely setting, and is affordable.
> I loved the Oban Inn. We stayed there a few times, and had quite a few
> meals there, but that was years ago. Didn't it burn down some years ago?
> Did they rebuild and restore it? It had a lot of charm.
By golly, you're right. I had forgotten about that fire. That was on
Christmas day 15 years ago. Below is a home video of the blaze. It was
pretty well gutted.
It has been rebuilt and upgraded. They always had a reputation for good
food, though their old menu was basically a step or two above really good
home cooking. It is a bit more exotic now.
> It's probably whatever the traffic will bear. It's true of so many places
> these days.
It used to be quite affordable for American tourists when there the US
dollar was worth about $1.50 Canadian. Now that the US dollar is tanking I
am looking forward to them dropping their prices.
> > It is also nice cycling upriver from the falls to Fort Erie. It is a
> > little tamer, but there always seems to be a head wind.
> I've only been to Fort Erie a couple of times.
It's only worth it for the drive and the cheap Chinese food, though I
recently discovered the excitement of horse racing. It's odd that I worked
around the corned from that race track for close to 20 years and never went
to a race. I promised to take myself to a race after I retired, and for
some reason it took me three years to do it.
> > There are lots of bicycle wine tours going on in the nice weather. But
> > it is getting cold here now. I made the mistake of planing a walk along
> > that trail one day last winter. They don't clear the snow off it.
> Ow, that would be a cold and messy walk!
Slippery and sloggy.