Recipe needed for Christmas!
Hiya Helen
Are you just looking for a traditional Xmas pud recipe ?
I have an old family one have used it for 30 years not particularly
diabetic friendly but pretty good.
(- -)
RodS T2
Helen Back wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I frequent in a.s.d. so a few of you know me already!!
> Im being rather lazy in not searching on here for a christmas cake or
> pudding recipe and wondered if any of you could direct me to one, please.
> I'd consider eating traditional pud or cake, in a tiny portion, but would
> love a recipe that I could make all round, but ideal for the festive season.
> I'm in the UK, so consider that some ingredients may not be available here,
> so any Brit counterparts in the know would be most appreciated.