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Dee.Dee Dee.Dee is offline
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Default Broke and hungry

"Sarah Gray" > wrote in message
. 17.102...
> "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote in
> 6.121:
>> Sarah Gray > dropped this
>> . 17.102: in
>>> All the meat you eat is $16.00 a pound? Maybe you should shop
>>> somewhere cheaper...
>>> $7 a day per person is $210 a month. Pretty small budget, but
>>> do-able, especially if you are someone who does not cook complicated
>>> things. I can feed myself and my daughter (including buying paper
>>> products and other non- food comestibles) on around $300 easily...
>>> The grocery price situation is not as dire as many make out.. you
>>> just have to know how to cook, be creative about it and be flexible
>>> about specific ingredients; buying things when they are on sale and
>>> such.

>> Whoosh... over the top of my head. I'm not sure what this whole thread
>> was about. Money is not a problem in my household but I'll be damned
>> if I'll spend $16.00 a pound for meat. Yes, for a special meal I'll
>> spend it but not often. Well, and for my seafood attack Lately we
>> have been buying larger packages and freezing. I know some folks have
>> limited freezer space. I don't really know what we spend a month on
>> grocery items but it's not at all what people might think. I can tell
>> you to the penny what the cat,dog and horse food costs though. I do
>> know if I had only $7 a day I could make due for the 2 of us. I'd be
>> buying a lot of legumes and sale meats for soups and stews. I'd have
>> to add funds for the GasX though. Gawd... $16.00 a pound... I'd be
>> ****ed.
>> Michael

> They said that meat alone for a meal for two would cost them $10 in
> their currency... I actually did the math wrong, that would make it
> $17.56 per pound in US dollars, assuming a quarter pound per serving.
> Even at a half pund per serving, that's more than I'd pay for meat,
> unless I had an unlimited budget, or was splurging for some reason.

Perhaps the NYTimes author assumes that everyone lives in NY -- just as the
political pundits seem to think we all have the D.C. mindset.

I found the 'comments' at the bottom of the article interesting.

Dee Dee