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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Broke and hungry

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> Sheldon wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" wrote:
>>> "FarmI" wrote
>>>> The report says that the average American spends $7/day on food and
>>>> that surely can't be right as it's a miniscule amount of money. I
>>>> did a currency converson and that is about $7.97 in my currency
>>>> and, if the two of us were eating meat for an evening meal, I'd
>>>> spend at least $10 in my currency just on the meat component of the
>>>> meal.
>>> I wonder how they came up with that number. Do they add up
>>> all grocery food sales/restaurant sales/roadside farm stand sales?
>>> Factor in home grown food? Makes no sense. Having said that,
>>> food in my house could be decent to very good for $14 a day, being
>>> that there are 2 of us.

>> The last I looked decent preground mystery meat from the stupidmarket
>> cost $4/lb, by the time the fat is cooked off all you'll have is two
>> servings.. and you still need to add about $4 more to make it a decent
>> meal... and that's only one meal, what about the rest of the day.

> You seem to think everyone lives in New York. Produce where I live is the
> least expensive thing you can buy even if you don't take the farmers
> market
> (closes October - March or so) and roadside produce stands into
> consideration. As for the rest of it, there's a good reason to live down
> south. We have a longer growing season, hence cheaper produce for locally
> grown items. Even with the imports, from the examples you gave (which I
> snipped) everything costs less. I cannot fathom $4/lb for what you call
> pre-ground "mystery meat" - ground chuck is $1.59/lb here. Even
> flash-frozen seafood is cheap.
> Jill

Although Sheldon lives in the state of New York, he lives in the sticks, so
he's not exposed to NY City prices. His supermarket's pretty average, too.
If he's spending more than you are for food, it's because he chooses to, not
because he's a prisoner of high prices.

Here in Rochester, Wegmans sells several kinds of ground beef. The price
ranges from $1.79 to $3.99 per pound. So, both your price range and his
example are valid, assuming his store (Price Chopper) sells what they
consider to be a better grade worth four bucks a pound.